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How to measure hole on an angle.

Autoing the circle gives me a ellipse.

What's the best way about this? I need diameter and true position.

See the great picture below of a side view

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  • You cannot adjust the Z value with an auto-feature however you can with a 'measured' feature.
    place your cursor in the edit window and start typing 'measured', make sure to change from point to circle where the blue text exists. Duplicate the XYZ/IJK/Size that your auto-feature showed. now you can equally space your hits and then adjust the individual z locations. I would continue to select 'no' about updating the feature as you edit the z heights.
  • actually you can adjust each point individually with an auto circle. But you have to move one of the inside points (not beginning or end point) first by looking straight at it. after you move one of the inner points out of its "auto '" location, you can turn the cad so you are looking at the hole from a side-ish view and pull them in Z to where you would like them.