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2022.2 sp5


Funny, here, it appears at 03.31.2023 Slight smile

Release Notes - 2022.2 SP5

Application Errors
You no longer get application errors:
• When you delete a block of commands that contains ISO geometric tolerance
commands and then perform an Undo operation. See PCD-242686.
• When you select hits on the CAD model from the Graphic Display window and then
click Clear in the Construct feature dialog box. See PCD-242832.

Auto Features
• PC-DMIS now correctly executes circular moves on Contact Auto features on DC
controllers. See PCD-225539.
• PC-DMIS no longer changes the HIT/BASIC measured values when you edit
the Auto feature theoretical values in the Edit window on Portable Arm. See
• You can now change the value of Inner Horizontal Clipping from the Edit window on
laser auto features when you use the HP-L-10.10 probe. See PCD-241437.

Constructed Features
• You can now select the input feature as the center point when you create
Constructed Extreme Point features from the Construct Feature dialog box. See
• PC-DMIS no longer displays the duplicate input features message when you
change elements in the Construct Feature dialog box after you upgraded from a
previous version of PC-DMIS to a newer version. See PCD-242685.
• PC-DMIS now has a scroll bar that you can use to view the entire feature list in the
Pointcloud Operator dialog box. See PCD-242843.
• PC-DMIS now correctly highlights hit data when you use the Construct Feature
dialog box. See PCD-243112.
• You can now create a 1D width from the Construct Width dialog box. See

Dual Arm
• PC-DMIS can now correctly calibrates a contact scanning probe on arm 2 when you
use arm 1 in dual arm mode. See PCD-229565.

• PC-DMIS no longer displays an error in the Edit window when you create an ESF/
VWMP LA feature. See PCD-242955.

GD&T Dimensions
• PC-DMIS now correctly updates the Geometric Tolerance commands for the arrow
density when you generate a graphical analysis view. See PCD-243004.

Legacy Dimensions
• PC-DMIS now increments the dimension IDs correctly in the Feature Location
dialog box when you set the Labeling method as Generic in the ID Setup tab of the
Setup Options dialog box. See PCD-241853.

Measurement Strategy Editor
• PC-DMIS now retains the smart parameters values when you migrate from version
2020 R2 and earlier to versions 2021.1 and later. Also, you can now add before and
after values for avoidance moves in the Measurement Strategy Editor dialog box.
See PCD-210583.
• PC-DMIS now saves the settings of a smart parameter when you edit the values in
the measurement strategy widget. See PCD-218289.

• PC-DMIS now correctly maintains the scanning direction of a rotary scan when you
use the HP-OW laser probe with embedded controller machines. See PCD-241611.

• The SEGMENT1_POS.LBL now works correctly for CADONLY.rpt and

Settings Editor
• You can now see the feature labels in the Graphic Display window when you set the
ShowLegacyLabels entry to 0 in the Settings Editor. See PCD-243376.

Summary Mode
• You can now select a measured feature in Summary mode when you select View |
Path Lines from Cursor. See PCD-243573.

View Sets
• PC-DMIS now correctly displays the RECALL/VIEWSET command when you use
copy and paste functionality. See PCD-242276.

XML Output
• PC-DMIS now correctly outputs the minus tolerance values to an XML file when you
select the Minus Tols Show Negative check box in the Setup Options dialog box.
See PCD-243494.​