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Which training class

We have money to send a person to training. Which class is the best bag for the buck.

GD&T for PCDMIS of 201/202 for PCDMIS?

On side note we have had to do a lot of explaining of GEOTOL to management and customers. Hexagon says that is all covered in the GD&T class.
  • It all depends on what you ultimately want to achieve. The 201 course will help you understand more advanced topics like best-fit / iterative alignments as well as introducing some more advanced probe management techniques like using auto-calibrate commands. The GD&T for PC-DMIS course focusses solely on dimensioning. It explains the differences between legacy, XactMeasure and geometric tolerance commands. It also talks about what limitations the older dimensioning methods have, whilst providing in depth knowledge on how the new GD&T library works. It covers both ASME Y14.5 and ISO 1101 but is structured in such a way that we can exclude information on either standard if it is not relevant to you - for example many US customers often choose to omit the ISO information.

    I would strongly recommend the GD&T for PC-DMIS course to EVERYONE, even those who feel they are already familiar with GD&T as it offers valuable insights that will help you to understand and get the best out of PC-DMIS when using the new Geometric Tolerance command.
  • I recently took the 201/202 class and found it to be very informative as I had no previous experience using Analog scanning. I was also looking into the GD&T course it seems like a good option.
  • I took 201/202 years ago. I wish I had taken the GD&T course instead. I work with older machines, with no scanning equipment and no CAD models. As informative as the 201/202 course was, I got nothing I could use out of it. At least with the GD&T course, you will utilize it no mater what machine or setup you have.
  • I have taken both if you are using a version of pc-dims that has geotol take the GD&T class. The changes and differences ( V2022.2 GD&T) we covered were eye opening like geotol will not support copy/paste with pattern functions and parametric programming, and CL2 math used for diameters now automatically determines the max inscribed / min circumscribed by default.
  • I took 201/202 years ago. I wish I had taken the GD&T course instead. I work with older machines, with no scanning equipment and no CAD models. As informative as the 201/202 course was, I got nothing I could use out of it. At least with the GD&T course, you will utilize it no mater what machine or setup you have.

    You do have CAD models now, right?

  • You do have CAD models now, right?

    Not really. The majority of what I inspect is military parts based on drawings from 1947 to the early 1990's. In most cases, there were never CAD models and nobody wants to spend the time or money to create them. I also have to deal with outdated GD&T symbols as well.

    Also, the other CMM/quality person does everything on an old manual CMM that runs of GEO PAK. He has no idea how to use PC DMIS and GEO PAK cannot use CAD models. It wasn't until I started here a few years ago that they even thought about CAD models for inspection. I do everything by programming off of physical parts as they come in for inspection.

  • Not really. The majority of what I inspect is military parts based on drawings from 1947 to the early 1990's. In most cases, there were never CAD models and nobody wants to spend the time or money to create them. I also have to deal with outdated GD&T symbols as well.

    ... I do everything by programming off of physical parts as they come in for inspection.

    Yeesh. Not fun. Respect!
    I have models all the time these days. Often, I have a model and no print, all MBD. I sure don't want to go back to doing things the old way.

  • Yeesh. Not fun. Respect!
    I have models all the time these days. Often, I have a model and no print, all MBD. I sure don't want to go back to doing things the old way.

    Same here all I do is MBD.