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Help with rotating head

Hello all!

I am facing this issue and I am not sure if this is normal (it shouldn't be imo)

Setup: TIGO SF TP20 module
PC-Dmis 2017 R2

To put it simple, I am taking a vector point at -1,0,0 on a plane with a probe at A0B0 workplane Z+
I am repeating this exact same point but going from the side with A90B-90 (whatever workplane, gives the same result)... and I am having a 15 to 30 microns deviation between the 2 measurements. This applies to +1,0,0 also and to more than 1 probe.

I have 2 other TIGOS with the same setup and I have not noticed such a strange behaviour. Is it normal to have 30 micros deviation between scenario A hitting perpendicular to the probes axis and scenario B hitting parallel to it?

I find it very weird.

Finally, I am correctly calibrating, setting up parameters as move speed/ touch speed/ prehit and retract. When locating the calibration sphere in a seperate verification program, I see no deviation btw... Thanks in advance for your replies!
  • So I tested more yesterday and got really weird results that I cannot explain.

    To clarify a few things first! I used a cube hitting all four vertical sides. I did a fast exercise in DCC where I probe specific points in A0B0 and then rotate to A90B90 in 3 similar setups / TIGOS. the 2 of them had max 5 microns of deviation while the 3rd machine gave me 20 microns :O

    Later on I tested Manually on the same cube same exercise but with 3 different probes / tips / modules. Only in X axis and when the A axis was at 90 degs I was getting 20-30 microns deviation. The weird thing is that I was probing at -X the left side parallel to the vector of the probe and I was getting 30 microns and when I was at -Y probing the "Southern" side (again parallel to the probes vector) I was ok. From the "Southern" position, while hitting the sides (left and right, perpandicular motion to the vector of the probe) though I was having he 20-30 microns deviation.

    TLDR no matter the vector of the motion, when I was at 90 degs on Axis A, on all probes / modules etc, only when I was probing at X Axis I was getting the shift! Also the shift was in one direction, meaning that the width of the cube would be correct (both sides shift to -X) but its position in relation to a A0B0 probing (or all other angles for that matter) is off.

    We will have a hexagon tech investigate the issue. They recently changed the whole head/controller of the machine so my best guess is that it was not a job well done either it being faulty hardware or the installation failed.
  • So I tested more yesterday and got really weird results that I cannot explain.

    To clarify a few things first! I used a cube hitting all four vertical sides. I did a fast exercise in DCC where I probe specific points in A0B0 and then rotate to A90B90 in 3 similar setups / TIGOS. the 2 of them had max 5 microns of deviation while the 3rd machine gave me 20 microns :O

    Later on I tested Manually on the same cube same exercise but with 3 different probes / tips / modules. Only in X axis and when the A axis was at 90 degs I was getting 20-30 microns deviation. The weird thing is that I was probing at -X the left side parallel to the vector of the probe and I was getting 30 microns and when I was at -Y probing the "Southern" side (again parallel to the probes vector) I was ok. From the "Southern" position, while hitting the sides (left and right, perpandicular motion to the vector of the probe) though I was having he 20-30 microns deviation.

    TLDR no matter the vector of the motion, when I was at 90 degs on Axis A, on all probes / modules etc, only when I was probing at X Axis I was getting the shift! Also the shift was in one direction, meaning that the width of the cube would be correct (both sides shift to -X) but its position in relation to a A0B0 probing (or all other angles for that matter) is off.

    We will have a hexagon tech investigate the issue. They recently changed the whole head/controller of the machine so my best guess is that it was not a job well done either it being faulty hardware or the installation failed.
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