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Disc Probe Hitting Cal-sphere Shank

Good morning Forum Guru's,

I am once again pleading for your help. I am trying to setup a disc probe for some projects coming up and have never had this issue occur so I am scratching my head at a solution. Perhaps everyone on here can shine some light on a solution.

Below is a picture of the probe build as well as utility editor. As you can see, my Calibration Mode settings are ghosted out and unable to be edited for some reason. This is the same thing that occurs on each of my Scan Module head style probe builds, but on anything with the Touch Probe force module that is unlocked again. That being said, I am unsure if the issue is caused by anything that can be changed within that dialog box. This is the first company I have worked with that uses a scan module, I have only ever used touch trigger and need to brush up on the scan procedures etc. to fully utilize.

The issue; When calibrating in any head orientation besides A0B0 the disc takes the initial hit on the sphere, and then beings taking the touch probe hits along the equator. At this point it will try and swing the entire diameter of the sphere, coming to the bottom where the shank is located and it will crash and alarm out. I am going out on a limb and assuming the Cal-sphere to disc probe size relation could be the issue as the sphere only .59025" and the only disc we had laying around was an 18mmx7.5mm.

I can get this to successfully calibrate in A0B0 with good results, and it looks like it follows the -5°/5° start/end angles automatically but when it got to A90B90 the disc is still trying to swing around to the bottom of the Cal-sphere. In A0B0 it takes the initial hit atop the sphere, takes hits along the equator in clockwise/counterclockwise rotation and then beings a scan in the same manner, at 3 different levels, counter and clockwise once again.

I opened a case and the tech sent me this article; How do I calibrate a disk stylus on an analog probe?​ Am I not seeing something within that article that should be of help or was that just them tossing me a piece of paper and telling me to figure it out? I have read other forum links and wanted to just calibrate in manual mode as that seems to be the easy way to solve this, but as you can see that isn't even an option I can toggle.

  • I would first locate the sphere with a master probe answering yes it has moved. After that f9 your disc probe, choose A0B0 and Click measure. On the tab that opens it asks you to put your parameters. in the number of hits input 5 and in the number of levels type 2 as instructed. Choose MAN+DDC and after hitting ok select no it has not moved. After that try to repeat with other angles if needed. After the first calibration of each angle, you can change the man+dcc to just dcc.

    EDIT: when prompted to locate the sphere, take a point on the top of the sphere with the base "down side" of the disk as you would do with a normal spherical tip.
  • Hmm in my case I did not had to change anything in settings editor. I just created a disc probe and I could directly define / modify all its parameters. The method that is being followed is the one described here (entry set to 1) :

    "PC-DMIS will do one of the following based on the value of the ProbeQualAnalogDiskUsePlaneOnBottom registry entry located in the Probe Cal section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor:

    If this entry is set to 1 (TRUE), PC-DMIS takes four hits on top of the sphere using a circular pattern on the bottom of the disk stylus and calculates a plane from it. Measuring a plane helps ensure that the hits for calibrating the face are oriented properly to reflect the actual plane of the disk. This is the default for the traditional calibration method using discrete hits."

    I would try to create a disc probe in probe builder tool if I were you. Normally following this, the parameters would not be locked...
  • Hmm in my case I did not had to change anything in settings editor. I just created a disc probe and I could directly define / modify all its parameters. The method that is being followed is the one described here (entry set to 1) :

    "PC-DMIS will do one of the following based on the value of the ProbeQualAnalogDiskUsePlaneOnBottom registry entry located in the Probe Cal section of the PC-DMIS Settings Editor:

    If this entry is set to 1 (TRUE), PC-DMIS takes four hits on top of the sphere using a circular pattern on the bottom of the disk stylus and calculates a plane from it. Measuring a plane helps ensure that the hits for calibrating the face are oriented properly to reflect the actual plane of the disk. This is the default for the traditional calibration method using discrete hits."

    I would try to create a disc probe in probe builder tool if I were you. Normally following this, the parameters would not be locked...
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