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What differences would one expect to see when changing mode between DCC+DCC and DCC on different types of probes? When should they be used respectively?​
  • Ideally, the results should be the same. DCC measures the sphere according to where it believes it is located. This is fine if the probe assembly is as defined and not bent, etc. DCC+DCC samples there sphere to refine the location before it actually measures it for calibration. The latter takes a little longer of course.

    Good, my interpretation seems correct at least. I did do some tests, including a long L-probe at A90 that I checked reset to nominal on before calibration. The delta center distance from nominal to measured was 0,7 mm, not very dramatic, I got no difference above noice between DCC+DCC and DCC on 10 iterations, so I’m wondering if there is an issue with my test setup or if the probe needs to be more wrong to see a difference.
  • Ideally, the results should be the same. DCC measures the sphere according to where it believes it is located. This is fine if the probe assembly is as defined and not bent, etc. DCC+DCC samples there sphere to refine the location before it actually measures it for calibration. The latter takes a little longer of course.

    Good, my interpretation seems correct at least. I did do some tests, including a long L-probe at A90 that I checked reset to nominal on before calibration. The delta center distance from nominal to measured was 0,7 mm, not very dramatic, I got no difference above noice between DCC+DCC and DCC on 10 iterations, so I’m wondering if there is an issue with my test setup or if the probe needs to be more wrong to see a difference.
  • If you do not use the 'reset to nominal', Pcdmis uses ,as "nominal", the last calibration result for the new calibration.

    IF your head is square enough and your build length is correct enough (correct enough will depend on the probe diameter you use, say half the size of the ball) and your probe/extensions are NOT bent, then DCC+DCC is a waste of time.
  • Yeah, so it’s only the first calibration after being rebuilt, reset or bent where it could have an effect. I could add a check in current procedure for large deviation from nominal shape on the probe.

    Would not calibration sphere size factor in as well? But the variation in that is not huge I guess.

    I’m thinking it’s the measured size that would be effected first, right? (Though that should be possible to correct afterwards.) It should take a giant error to effect the measurement of the center of the probe.