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Why is there not a "GetPrintOptionsEx" in the API?

There is a SetPrintOptionsEx method but no GetPrintOptionsEx. How can see the file path of the reports being generated after the program executes? I understand that I could add a Print Report command but I am trying to avoid modify the program itself. The requirements for my project don't allow for me to modify the program. I have noticed that in the P2X file it shows the excel output path but not the pdf output path.
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  • Using 2019R2 and latest version I find if the Report output check box is not selected for output the method will return an empty string. If checked for output the file name is returned.

    My simple test:

    Public main()
    Dim app As Object
    Dim part As Object

    Set app = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Set part = app.ActivePartProgram
    MsgBox part.outputfilename

    Set part = Nothing
    Set app = Nothing

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