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Transporting bridge CMM via international Air freight

My company wants to move an installed Zeiss CMM from France to Arizona, (~6000 miles) quickly. They are discussing air freight.
Does anyone have firsthand experience with air-freighting a CMM?

The hairs on my neck stood up when it was mentioned, it sounds so high risk.
  • Air freight is a bit of a scary idea. A CMM is a monster of a machine and most air freight isn't ready for that kind of load. Is there a reason they don't want to use a ship? Another thing is that you need to have the OEM prepare the machine for shipping. They are going to know exactly what to do, and have all the proper brackets and supplies for it. Not using the OEM to prepare the machine is a disaster waiting to happen regardless of the method of shipping.

    Edit: I finally reread and saw that you want it quick. Biggest piece of advice to follow is have Zeiss pack it up, as long as the air freight company understands the weight you should be okay if Zeiss does the packing job.
  • Yes, we will absolutely contract with OE to support bracketing/crating/sealing then once it arrives, unboxing/installation/calibration.
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