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Reducing Execution Time

Good morning. I hope all is well with everyone. Just wondering, does pc dmis have an option to search for the fatest measurement routine? Thaks for your insight.
  • The big focus is path length and probes and probe tip angles as someone already mentioned. Use your own brain and you'll quickly beat the pre-built optimize path button (though a nice option to get you started or to clean up someone else's messy program). Keep this in mind every time you're programming from now on. We tend to think in nice squared ways with our paths don't be afraid to "cut corners" but don't let fly-mode get you lol. Once programs are vetted and procedures for operators smoothed out crank that speed up until the probe tip breaks the sound barrier! Be careful.
  • As said, brain power is your biggest asset, think the part through before you start writing the program.

    I use FASTPROBE, FLYMODE and scanning (as much as possible when it is more feasible) and organization of features to reduce/eliminate probe changes. Ove the last 2 years I've reduced the run time on 3 families of parts (typically 10 sizes with LT & RT of each size) by as much as 40%. When you look at cutting a program eliminate as much wasted move time as possible and probe changes are huge time killers
  • no it doesnt work with TTP unfortunately. old technology cant handle all that math haha
  • i meant flymode but i use fastprobe for our scanning machine to save on time also
    A few other tricks to increase routine runtime include (advanced, use extreme caution when implementing)
    -reduce prehit/retract distance after "finding" the part, as long as your method is stable enough.
    -implement move/increments in lieu of move/clearplanes or move/points.
    -if you implement multiple move/increments with flymode on, it will round all those incremental commands simultaneously and make one swift arc-shaped move to the next prehit. Beware, it will clip a significant amount off the distances when it does this.
    -assess touchspeed reproducibility. if you don't NEED 0.0001" accuracy, you can easily increase touchspeed to be much higher than the typical 2mm/sec. I've had routines pass MSA using TP200 at 8mm/sec.
    -make sure movespeed is max (either 100%, or when using absolute: the maximum that your firmware can accept)
    -make sure your firmware's accel parameters reflect the machine's maximum acceleration values.

    Oh and implement STAR probes as much as you can, to reduce probe rotations.
  • using fastprobe mode helps the machine run a little bit quicker also just make sure your prehit retracts are adequate

    I have gotten into trouble using fast probing with longer stylus systems. A phantom hit 10mm in the air will be obvious, but one 10 microns in the air will not be.
  • all of our are long 70mm to 150mm tips ranging from 0.5 to 8mm Ø. ive seen nothing like your getting.. maybe your trigger settings are too low? all 4 of our machines are less than 5 microns to each other which is good enough in my opinion. touch speed is set to 0.5mm sec i believe so maybe yours is set higher>?not sure have the other probe setting are off hand but i dont really know your setup and we dont typically get phantom hits.