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2023.2 released


What's New

Create Pointcloud from CAD Model
You can now create a theoretical pointcloud on your CAD model for a single
surface, multiple surfaces, or the entire model without scanning a part. This allows
you to simulate offline laser scanning measurement routines that include feature
extraction, colormaps, and Geometric Tolerance commands.
See Create Pointcloud from the CAD model.

Feature Creation Improvements
PC-DMIS can now create features more efficiently:
• PC-DMIS now activates void detection with a CAD offset and applies smart
parameters to reduce the need for further editing when you create an Auto feature.
This optimizes the measurement strategies based on the Manual or DCC mode and
sensor type.
• You can now see the Along Feature Vector option in the Avoidance Move -
Direction list in the Measurement Strategy Editor dialog box. Also, you can now
access more options from the Quick Feature Widget.
• PC-DMIS now provides an enhanced Quick Path functionality. When you enable
Quick Path, it turns on Auto Wrist along with Auto Insert Moves with Feature
Creation and Collision Detection. These functions combined with Quick Features
enable visualization of paths in the Graphic Display window between current and
previous features, including auto-inserted tip change and move points. As you
select features, PC-DMIS performs the path generation, and you don't need to deal
with manually creating path commands (such as tips or moves commands).
• PC-DMIS now performs a smart calculation of the Ending Offset parameter when
you create an auto cylinder contact feature based on the stylus length. You can now
see a smart calculation (indication) beside the Ending Offset option in the Contact
Path Properties tab of the Auto Feature dialog box.

See Feature Creation Improvements.
Touch Trigger Probe (TTP) User Defined Plane
You can now use the TTP User Defined Plane Strategy instead of a measured plane.
This allows you to take hits at desired locations and insert move points between the
hits to avoid any obstacles on the path. This strategy is available in the Measurement
Strategies tab of the Auto Feature dialog box.
See TTP User Defined Plane.

ClearanceCube Improvements
PC-DMIS now provides the ability to use ClearanceCube for complex geometry parts.
• You can now define ClearanceCube in a simple and user-friendly way. You can now
click and drag a face of the ClearanceCube in the Graphic Display window to resize
ClearanceCube or you can now click an edge in the Graphic Display window to
define or remove the constraints.
• You can now define ClearanceCube motion for the TIP command. You can now
switch on or switch off the ClearanceCube motion in the ClearanceCube Settings
window. This provides you with the ability to change the TIP where desired.
• You can now define the ClearanceCube smaller than the CAD bounding box to
accommodate fixtures in a CAD model.
• You can now see the Show ClearanceCube icon in the ClearanceCube Toolbar.
You can use this icon to show or hide the ClearanceCube in the Graphic Display
• PC-DMIS now allows you to execute a measurement routine when the tip is inside
a ClearanceCube and you press Ctrl + U. This allows you to fix any errors during
measurement and continue from where it stopped.

See ClearanceCube Improvements.
Offline Animation Speed Control
You can now see the Offline Animation Speed slider in the Execution dialog box.
You can use the slider to control the animation speed of the measurement when you
execute it in Offline mode.
See Offline Animation Speed Control.

Select all Hits
You can now click the Select All Hits button in the Construct Feature dialog box
when you construct the Best Fit or Best Fit Recompensate feature.
See Select all Hits.​
  • Other Improvements

    Auto Features
    • You can now select a Conical shape from the Control Element list in the Path
    Definition tab of the Auto Feature dialog box when you create an Auto Circle
    with the Adaptive Circle Scan strategy. This is useful to measure a circle on a
    cone-shaped feature. The probe moves perpendicular to the surface of the cone
    and the controller scans the circular path at desired height.

    • PC-DMIS now exports a CAD model as a STEP file with the application Protocol
    214 when you select the FILE | Export | Part Model | STEP | STEP AP214 menu

    • The "Extracting Auto Features from Pointclouds" topic in the PC-DMIS Laser
    documentation now has information on how to use the Depth option for Auto Circle

    ESF (VWMP)
    • PC-DMIS now has optical nm as the default measurement type for laser features.
    • PC-DMIS now supports custom naming rule for ESF (VWMP) features. You can
    select the Custom option from the Type list in the Naming rules area of the
    Extended Sheet Metal Features dialog box.
    • PC-DMIS now supports copy and paste parameters in the Extended Sheet Metal
    Features dialog box when you use contact probes.
    • You can now edit dimension tolerances in the Edit window for ESF (VWMP)
    • PC-DMIS now sets the last used pointcloud ID as the default when you add Optical
    ESF features in the measurement routine.

    GD&T Dimensions
    • You can now select the GD&T standard in the New Measurement Routine dialog
    box when you select File | New to create a new measurement routine. This means
    you can no longer toggle between ASME and ISO standards. Also, PC-DMIS now
    shows the GD&T standard in the file header of the Edit window in the Command
    • PC-DMIS now converts all migrated size and geometric tolerance commands to a
    single GD&T standard based on the most referenced standard during XactMeasure
    migration. To discard the migrated measurement routine and automatically restore
    the original version, click the Cancel button on the Migration Report dialog box.

    • PC-DMIS now collects data immediately when you use an HP-L-10.10 sensor
    during scanning.
    • You can now build a probe using an HP-L-10.10 LITE sensor as a component.
    • You can now adjust the scan properties for an HP-L-10.10 LITE sensor from
    the HP-L-10.10 Lite Scan Properties tab on the Probe Toolbox when you run your
    measurement routine on a CMM with an FDC controller.

    Measurement Strategy Editor
    • You can now see the grid button for the Ending Offset option when you select
    Cylinder from the Features Toolbar of the Measurement Strategy Editor dialog
    box. You can use this grid button to enable or disable the smart parameters.

    Operating System
    • Starting with RDS version 6.3, the Windows 11 operating system is supported.

    • You can now directly upload the PC-DMIS report data to Metrology Reporting
    without the SFx desktop application.

    Temperature Compensation
    • You can now switch the default sensor from the Default Part Sensor list in the
    Temperature Compensation Setup dialog box.

    • You can now see that, when in Online mode, PC-DMIS now shows the correct
    controller type information for the Metronics and Embedded Optiv controllers in the
    Help | About dialog box.​
  • Other Improvements

    Auto Features
    • You can now select a Conical shape from the Control Element list in the Path
    Definition tab of the Auto Feature dialog box when you create an Auto Circle
    with the Adaptive Circle Scan strategy. This is useful to measure a circle on a
    cone-shaped feature. The probe moves perpendicular to the surface of the cone
    and the controller scans the circular path at desired height.

    • PC-DMIS now exports a CAD model as a STEP file with the application Protocol
    214 when you select the FILE | Export | Part Model | STEP | STEP AP214 menu

    • The "Extracting Auto Features from Pointclouds" topic in the PC-DMIS Laser
    documentation now has information on how to use the Depth option for Auto Circle

    ESF (VWMP)
    • PC-DMIS now has optical nm as the default measurement type for laser features.
    • PC-DMIS now supports custom naming rule for ESF (VWMP) features. You can
    select the Custom option from the Type list in the Naming rules area of the
    Extended Sheet Metal Features dialog box.
    • PC-DMIS now supports copy and paste parameters in the Extended Sheet Metal
    Features dialog box when you use contact probes.
    • You can now edit dimension tolerances in the Edit window for ESF (VWMP)
    • PC-DMIS now sets the last used pointcloud ID as the default when you add Optical
    ESF features in the measurement routine.

    GD&T Dimensions
    • You can now select the GD&T standard in the New Measurement Routine dialog
    box when you select File | New to create a new measurement routine. This means
    you can no longer toggle between ASME and ISO standards. Also, PC-DMIS now
    shows the GD&T standard in the file header of the Edit window in the Command
    • PC-DMIS now converts all migrated size and geometric tolerance commands to a
    single GD&T standard based on the most referenced standard during XactMeasure
    migration. To discard the migrated measurement routine and automatically restore
    the original version, click the Cancel button on the Migration Report dialog box.

    • PC-DMIS now collects data immediately when you use an HP-L-10.10 sensor
    during scanning.
    • You can now build a probe using an HP-L-10.10 LITE sensor as a component.
    • You can now adjust the scan properties for an HP-L-10.10 LITE sensor from
    the HP-L-10.10 Lite Scan Properties tab on the Probe Toolbox when you run your
    measurement routine on a CMM with an FDC controller.

    Measurement Strategy Editor
    • You can now see the grid button for the Ending Offset option when you select
    Cylinder from the Features Toolbar of the Measurement Strategy Editor dialog
    box. You can use this grid button to enable or disable the smart parameters.

    Operating System
    • Starting with RDS version 6.3, the Windows 11 operating system is supported.

    • You can now directly upload the PC-DMIS report data to Metrology Reporting
    without the SFx desktop application.

    Temperature Compensation
    • You can now switch the default sensor from the Default Part Sensor list in the
    Temperature Compensation Setup dialog box.

    • You can now see that, when in Online mode, PC-DMIS now shows the correct
    controller type information for the Metronics and Embedded Optiv controllers in the
    Help | About dialog box.​
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