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Clearance cube question

Happy Friday to all.

I did try clearanceCube to an old program today. Everything worked fine, since I did not need to move the probe away from parts before checking features and rotating angles. Until a circle feature in the middle of the cuboid,
the probe decided to move from far away end and not from short cut which needed to turn 90 degree after moving in the cube.
I wonder whether there are easy way to teach it or just disable this feature ?

Thank you
  • Hello Robontario,

    Please let us know which PC-DMIS version are you using? Is it 2023.2?

    If you are not using this version, I recommend you to use it. We have made significant changes in this version which would help you.

    If possible, you may want to share screen shot to understand the issue better.

    Well, in 2023.2 version, ClearanceCube works with some logic. When tip is inside cube it tries to find closest cc face. After that it moves along the face of cc to desired location. It may not find most efficient path.

    We do have MOVESET command. This can be used to achieve desired path sometimes. You can position tip to the cc face from where the path would be more efficient. To do that insert move set and assign it a desired cc face.

    Not knowing exact geometry, I hope this can be solution for you.

  • Hello Robontario,

    Please let us know which PC-DMIS version are you using? Is it 2023.2?

    If you are not using this version, I recommend you to use it. We have made significant changes in this version which would help you.

    If possible, you may want to share screen shot to understand the issue better.

    Well, in 2023.2 version, ClearanceCube works with some logic. When tip is inside cube it tries to find closest cc face. After that it moves along the face of cc to desired location. It may not find most efficient path.

    We do have MOVESET command. This can be used to achieve desired path sometimes. You can position tip to the cc face from where the path would be more efficient. To do that insert move set and assign it a desired cc face.

    Not knowing exact geometry, I hope this can be solution for you.

    Thank you so much.
    I did try on 2015.1 and had those issues. We have 2019.2 and 2020.1 too.

    As I know, we should have offline seat before we could upgrade pc-dmis to 2023.2 by ourselves, Am I right?

    Thank you