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Readpoint in front of an iterative alignments?

Hello fellow Metrologist!
My question is going to be geared more to the Gurus here on PC DMIS forum; I have an aerospace part that has target points A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,C1 ....I know how to create an iterative alignment...however, what I usually do is make a readpoint in a location where I can do a small alignment, changing the location of the trighedron...However, the customer has supplied the CAD and wishes for us to keep the location were it is....its in a place you could not create a readpoint without going through the part.
How do i create a readpoint that goes directly into the iterative?
Thanks in advance.
  • Import the CAD to an orientation that makes sense to you..

    Do your readpoint alignment as desired..

    Find the part datums as instructed on the print. Create your datum alignment..

    Create a new alignment (recalling your datum alignment) and offset per customer requirements so it matches the nominal values they want Sunglasses
  • Import the CAD to an orientation that makes sense to you..

    Do your readpoint alignment as desired..

    Find the part datums as instructed on the print. Create your datum alignment..

    Create a new alignment (recalling your datum alignment) and offset per customer requirements so it matches the nominal values they want Sunglasses
  • Problem with that is the target points are underneath the part, however, the way the customer wants us to pick up the points is how they have it orientated...meaning they prefer we do not translate their CAD coordinate system but rather use as is....so that creates a problem when trying to create the initial readpoint. So, I have decided, now that I have to initially( temporarily) orientate the CAD system on top of the part so that I can use the readpoint and small manual alignment, then rough dcc alignment, going into the iterative alignment...let me know what you think about that?
    Also, I appreciate your help..