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PC-DMIS 2023.1 - Possible bug with graphical size of deviation spheres


Since we updated to PC-DMIS 2023.1 (SP4), the deviation spheres in the graphical view keep resetting in size whenever reopen the routine.
  1. We open the routine and all the deviation spheres are huge

  2. We change the sphere size in the analysis view to a lower number

  3. The deviation sphere sizes look nice as long as the routine is open

  4. After saving an reopening the routine, the deviation spheres are huge again

This didn't happen in PC-DMIS 2021.2.. I guess that this got introduces when changing the back-end of the settings editor (v2022?).

Is there another way to keep the deviation sphere sizes small even after restart?

neil.challinor Don Ruggieri
  • Have you tried clicking DEFAULT after changing the sphere size? The behaviour you describe is usually a symptom of not having the correct permissions to edit the settings - the registry in older versions, now changed to Json files. Maybe try launching PC-DMIS by right clicking and selecting run as administrator?
  • neil.challinor Where are the JSON settings files stored? Are they all stored in the same place/folder or scattered about?

    Aaron Baldauf You could try to edit the JSON file directly with a text editor. Back it up prior to editing, if things go south...
  • neil.challinor

    Yes I tried the default button but it's not working.

    The installation was done using the installation instruction you sent me once.

    The following registry keys have full access (there are some more because of OperatorInterface from Germany):
    3. HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\PC-DMIS 50 Converter
    5. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\
    6. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PCDLRN.Application\
    7. HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Hexagon\​
    Also the following folders have full access:
    1. C:\ProgramData\FLEXnet\
    2. C:\ProgramData\Hexagon\
    3. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\
    4. C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon-CLM-LogFilesz\
    5. C:\Program Files\Hexagon\
    6. C:\Users\current user name\AppData\Local\Hexagon
    7. Any other locations that will be used to store .prg, .prb, .cad, .aln, .bas, .dat or other files associated with your PC-Dmis programs.​
    PC-DMIS was first started as an administrator but since only as user.

    All the other settings seem to "stick" just fine it's just this one that doesn't.

    Because of the installation method as well as the other settings working I don't believe it has to do with permissions
    but as soon as I can I will try to change the value as an administrator and let you know if this helped.

    I would like to try that but I would need to know the location of the file as well as the name of the setting I have to change.
  • The Json files are stored in C:\ProgramData\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2023.2 and C:\Users\ username\AppData\Local\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2023.2
  • neil.challinor

    Launching as an administrator didn't solve the issue Disappointed I again did the same steps as mentioned in the initial post.
    I also double-checked the two folders you mentioned and both (as well as the files in them) have full access rights.

    I tried to find the corresponding setting inside the files but couldn't find it.
    Do you by chance know how the name of the setting inside the json file?
  • neil.challinor Don Ruggieri

    Is there any news on this issue?

    I know it's not the most important issue.. but in some cases it makes it really hard to tell where the deviations are

    We since updated 5 machines to this version and all of them experience the same issue with the huge deviation spheres in the graphic display window.
    Like said above, this issue didn't exist in v2021.2.

    The installation of the new version was done the same way as with the old versions.
    First start was with admin rights... after only as a user. All the folders, files and registry settings mentioned above have full access rights.

    Other settings are working fine (at least i didn't notice something not working correctly).

    Thanks in advance
  • I have one of my test engineers looking into it at the moment. The first step will be to see if we can reproduce the behaviour ourselves in-house.
  • Hi Aaron Baldauf, I found out what the problem is. There should be a settings editor key " AnalysisViewLollipopSphereSizeInMM" but it appears to be missing. This would explain why the change does not get saved. PC-DMIS 2023.2 is also missing the setting but does save the edited sphere sizes as a report modification so the setting will stick when saving/closing/reopening, you just can't make your edited sphere size the "DEFAULT". My team will work on adding the missing setting.
  • Thank you, Neil and your team for the swift identification of the problem.

    Can you already say if this fix will also be included in the 2023.1 version?