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How to properly measure circular runout on a cylinder?

I have a bore that is Datum B. It has a perpendicularity callout to Datum A, which is a flat surface. So, I have to measure it as a cylinder. I have another bore that has a circular runout callout to AB. So do I have to measure B again as a circle? Because I would have to assign that as another datum to build the feature control frame. But if I just use B as a cylinder, then wouldn't it be measuring total runout and give me a different result than circular runout?
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  • Imagine using a record player to listen to some of your favourite music on classic vinyl.

    When you put the stylus on the record, you'll notice it moving up and down as the record spins - that's runout of the plane.
    If the record isn't quite central on the turntable, you'll also notice the stylus moving towards and away from the centre as the record spins - that's circular runout.
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