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creating probe file

How do I create a probe file for one that is not in the drop down window? I have a 0.2mm x 9mm that I need to load. I am running PCDMIS 2019 R1. thanks
  • Something like this in the USRPROBE.dat should work.

    ribcount 10
    color 142 142 142
    cylinder 0 0 0 0 0 -3 3
    cone 0 0 -3 3 0 0 -7 2.5
    cylinder 0 0 -7 0 0 -9 0.15
    color 255 0 0
    sphere 0 0 -9 0.2
    hotspot 0 0 -9 0 0 1 0.2 0.2 ball

    You could have to change some coordinates, depending on the actual dimensions :
    a line "cylinder" gives start xyz​ end xyz diameter so 0 0 0 0 0 -3 3 is start xyz=<0,0,0> end xyz=<0,0,-3> and diameter is 3
    For a cone, it's start xyz​ start diameter then end xyz end diameter.
    A "feature" starts when the previous feature ends.

    The M2 at the end of the first line is used to place the tip in the right section of the drop down menu (so you will find this tip only if the extension above is M2)

    Hope this helps.
  • I rarely have the same build but I often change the color of the stem / tip or sometimes just the tip so I know what brand( Leitz, Renishaw, Q-mark or ITP) and material of the tip as a reminder.
    Don Ruggieri it would be nice to see the a more comprehensive way to define probes. A digital catalog. Maybe you could work with the vendors and compile a data base so that we can key in part numbers instead of going into the PROBE.DAT and configuring ourselves. It is fun, but I don't get paid to have fun Rolling eyes
    AND more useful drop down menus that actually scroll with your mouse wheel, its a new concept in GUI functionality lolStuck out tongue closed eyes
  • I rarely have the same build but I often change the color of the stem / tip or sometimes just the tip so I know what brand( Leitz, Renishaw, Q-mark or ITP) and material of the tip as a reminder.
    Don Ruggieri it would be nice to see the a more comprehensive way to define probes. A digital catalog. Maybe you could work with the vendors and compile a data base so that we can key in part numbers instead of going into the PROBE.DAT and configuring ourselves. It is fun, but I don't get paid to have fun Rolling eyes
    AND more useful drop down menus that actually scroll with your mouse wheel, its a new concept in GUI functionality lolStuck out tongue closed eyes

    Correct me if I am wrong but it almost seems like Hexagon doesn't even have all of their own probes in the dropdown Confused

  • Correct me if I am wrong but it almost seems like Hexagon doesn't even have all of their own probes in the dropdown Confused

    I would say there are not stored correctly : you can find some tips of the LSPX1 in the M3 section, some others in Leitz section (from my poor memory).
    Then, you just have to change the last string of the first line . Not too cool !
  • I rarely have the same build but I often change the color of the stem / tip or sometimes just the tip so I know what brand( Leitz, Renishaw, Q-mark or ITP) and material of the tip as a reminder.
    Don Ruggieri it would be nice to see the a more comprehensive way to define probes. A digital catalog. Maybe you could work with the vendors and compile a data base so that we can key in part numbers instead of going into the PROBE.DAT and configuring ourselves. It is fun, but I don't get paid to have fun Rolling eyes
    AND more useful drop down menus that actually scroll with your mouse wheel, its a new concept in GUI functionality lolStuck out tongue closed eyes

    For a special application, I created this :
    ribcount 10
    color 142 142 142
    cylinder 0 0 0 0 0 -10 25
    color 142 142 142
    cylinder 0 0 -10 0 0 -55 8
    color 50 50 50
    solid 6
    face 4 -5 -8 -15 -5 8 -15 17 8 -15 17 -8 -15
    face 4 -5 -8 -22 -5 8 -15 17 8 -15 17 -8 -22
    face 4 -5 -8 -15 -5 -8 -22 17 -8 -22 17 -8 -15
    face 4 -5 8 -15 -5 8 -22 17 8 -22 17 8 -15
    face 4 -5 -8 -15 -5 -8 -22 -5 8 -22 -5 8 -15
    face 4 17 -8 -15 17 -8 -22 17 8 -22 17 8 -15
    solid 6
    face 4 -5 -8 -48 -5 8 -48 17 8 -48 17 -8 -48
    face 4 -5 -8 -55 -5 8 -48 17 8 -48 17 -8 -55
    face 4 -5 -8 -48 -5 -8 -55 17 -8 -55 17 -8 -48
    face 4 -5 8 -48 -5 8 -55 17 8 -55 17 8 -48
    face 4 -5 -8 -48 -5 -8 -55 -5 8 -55 -5 8 -48
    face 4 17 -8 -48 17 -8 -55 17 8 -55 17 8 -48
    solid 6
    face 4 8 -8 -22 8 8 -22 17 8 -22 17 -8 -22
    face 4 8 -8 -48 8 8 -48 17 8 -48 17 -8 -48
    face 4 8 8 -22 17 8 -22 17 8 -48 8 8 -48
    face 4 8 -8 -22 17 -8 -22 17 -8 -48 8 -8 -48
    face 4 8 8 -22 8 -8 -22 8 -8 -48 8 8 -48
    face 4 17 8 -22 17 -8 -22 17 -8 -48 17 8 -48
    solid 6
    face 4 -5 -8 -57 -5 8 -57 17 8 -57 17 -8 -57
    face 4 -5 -8 -65 -5 8 -57 17 8 -57 17 -8 -65
    face 4 -5 -8 -57 -5 -8 -65 17 -8 -65 17 -8 -57
    face 4 -5 8 -57 -5 8 -65 17 8 -65 17 8 -57
    face 4 -5 -8 -57 -5 -8 -65 -5 8 -65 -5 8 -57
    face 4 17 -8 -57 17 -8 -65 17 8 -65 17 8 -57
    solid 6
    face 4 5 -8 -62 5 8 -62 -19 8 -62 -19 -8 -62
    face 4 5 -8 -74 5 8 -62 -19 8 -62 -19 -8 -74
    face 4 5 -8 -62 5 -8 -74 -19 -8 -74 -19 -8 -62
    face 4 5 8 -62 5 8 -74 -19 8 -74 -19 8 -62
    face 4 5 -8 -62 5 -8 -74 5 8 -74 5 8 -62
    face 4 -19 -8 -62 -19 -8 -74 -19 8 -74 -19 8 -62
    solid 6
    face 4 -5 -19 -48 -5 -8 -48 5 -8 -48 5 -19 -48
    face 4 -5 -19 -63 -5 -8 -48 5 -8 -48 5 -19 -63
    face 4 -5 -19 -48 -5 -19 -63 5 -19 -63 5 -19 -48
    face 4 -5 -8 -48 -5 -8 -63 5 -8 -63 5 -8 -48
    face 4 -5 -19 -48 -5 -19 -63 -5 -8 -63 -5 -8 -48
    face 4 5 -19 -48 5 -19 -63 5 -8 -63 5 -8 -48
    color 255 255 255
    cylinder -12 0 -29 -12 0 -62 9
    color 255 127 39
    cylinder -12 0 -62 -12 0 -80 11
    color 128 0 60
    cone -12 0 -80 11 -12 0 -90 7
    color 192 192 192
    cylinder -12 0 -90 -12 0 -92 5
    cylinder -12 0 -92 -12 0 -100 3
    cylinder -12 0 -100 -12 0 -103 1.2
    color 255 0 0
    sphere -12 0 -103 0.5
    hotspot -12 0 -103 0 0 1 0.5 0.5 ball

  • try this one:

    color 0 0 0
    line -10 -30 0 -10 -30 -60 1
    line 10 -30 0 10 -30 -60 1
    line -30 -30 -20 30 -30 -20 1
    line -30 -30 -40 30 -30 -40 1
    line -30 -10 0 -30 -10 -60 1
    line -30 10 0 -30 10 -60 1
    line -30 -30 -20 -30 30 -20 1
    line -30 -30 -40 -30 30 -40 1
    line 30 -10 0 30 -10 -60 1
    line 30 10 0 30 10 -60 1
    line 30 -30 -20 30 30 -20 1
    line 30 -30 -40 30 30 -40 1
    line -10 30 0 -10 30 -60 1
    line 10 30 0 10 30 -60 1
    line -30 30 -20 30 30 -20 1
    line -30 30 -40 30 30 -40 1
    line -30 -10 0 30 -10 0 1
    line -30 10 0 30 10 0 1
    line -10 -30 0 -10 30 0 1
    line 10 -30 0 10 30 0 1
    line -30 -10 -60 30 -10 -60 1
    line -30 10 -60 30 10 -60 1
    line -10 -30 -60 -10 30 -60 1
    line 10 -30 -60 10 30 -60 1
    color 0 0 255
    face 4 -30 30 0 30 30 0 30 -30 0 -30 -30 0
    color 255 0 0
    face 4 30 30 0 30 30 -60 30 -30 -60 30 -30 0
    color 255 255 0
    face 4 -30 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 -30 -60 -30 -30 -60
    color 0 255 0
    face 4 -30 30 0 -30 -30 0 -30 -30 -60 -30 30 -60
    color 255 255 255
    face 4 30 30 -60 -30 30 -60 -30 -30 -60 30 -30 -60
    color 255 100 0
    face 4 -30 30 0 -30 30 -60 30 30 -60 30 30 0
    ring 0 -30 -30 0 1 0 20 4
    ribcount 10
    color 255 0 0
    cutsphere 0 -30 -30 0 1 0 8 0 -10000
    autojoint 0 0 -77 0 0 1 0 7.5 -180 180 b angle
    color 30 30 30
    ribcount 10
    cutsphere 0 0 0 0 0 1 50 18 -10000
    autojoint 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 7.5 0 105 a angle
    color 142 142 142
    ribcount 10
    cylinder -22 0 0 -25 0 0 13
    connect -25 0 0 1 0 0 M8