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Protect option in PC-DMIS : how to save revision details


Working in medical company, we have to secure our PC-DMIS routine to avoid any change by operator (each routine is fully validated) before to use it.

We bought and use PROTECT option but it doesn't fit our need. In case of external audit or re-validation of an updated routine, we need the complete detail of what has changed. The issue is that detail is only given in PC-DMIS when we "re-certify" the routine, but there is no way to save that detail. If we open the history in PROTECT VIEWER, there is no more the details and we can not prove what as exactly change.

Examples attached.

Is there a way to save what is display when we re-certify in PC-DMIS or a way to find the detail in PROTECT VIEWER ?

Thank you

PC-DMIS version : 2021.2

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