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upgrading from 2019R2 to 2022

We are planning on upgrading our 17 production and 5 offline seats from V2019R2 and I'm looking at one of the V2022 releases because of some of the issues with the V2023 releases. We know that we will have to use the conversion program that Hexagon has created and I'd like the general consensus from those that have kept up the upgrades and used the conversion utility what issues you've had with the various releases of V2022.

Your input is greatly appreciated.

  • What V2023 issues are you referring to? I'm thinking of upgrading one of our 15 CMMs to V2023 from V2019.
    Offline V2023 fixed an issue that exact measure was having with PR & PA dimensioning. I also like the constructed point options for minimum / maximum PR points.
  • There is a post I saw where they were having trouble with PCDMIS 2023.1 crashing when F9'ing a feature. But seems the issue seems to be not happening in 2023.2
    I've seen a few other people say this as well, but I can't recall where I saw this discussion. You can probably search forum about it.

    Post here :

  • We're having issues with 2023.1 and 2023.2 as well.
    Attempting to upgrade from 2019R1 and 2021.
    Installed 2023.1 on 3 machines.
    • Machine 1, typically runs short programs with small CAD files, 2023.1 runs fine, but crashes daily with no real reason. Usually occurs when we open a program. Sometimes after the machine has been idle, sometimes at random. 2021 ran with no issues.
    • Machine 2, runs a large variety of programs and sizes. 2023.1 runs fine, but noticeably slower than 2019. No random crashes like Machine 1.
    • Machine 3, runs the same programs that Machine 2 runs. 2023.1 is unbearably slow. Even short programs with no CAD can take up to a minute to open. It seemed that the new Recent Files feature seemed to be using a TON of resources in the background, but even when we seemed to get around that, it was still too slow to use and would often crash or timeout when creating the final report. 2023.2 had no effect. 2021 and 2019 seem to be fine.
    All 3 computers meet or exceed requirements for 2023.2, the computers for 1 and 3 are less than 2 years old and were new with the machines. The computer for Machine 2 is less than a year old.

    All computers pull programs from a network location. I'll attempt to move them local, but this can't be a long term solution.

    Next step is update nvidia drivers on all 3 computers.
  • What V2023 issues are you referring to? I'm thinking of upgrading one of our 15 CMMs to V2023 from V2019.
    Offline V2023 fixed an issue that exact measure was having with PR & PA dimensioning. I also like the constructed point options for minimum / maximum PR points.

    This was one of the issues. There have been a couple more posted here but I haven't searched for them today.
    There is a post I saw where they were having trouble with PCDMIS 2023.1 crashing when F9'ing a feature. But seems the issue seems to be not happening in 2023.2
    I've seen a few other people say this as well, but I can't recall where I saw this discussion. You can probably search forum about it.

  • I didn't use the utility, I switched in 2021 and they didn't have it yet. Still using 2021.2.

    Changing all the Xact into Geo is a pain, particularly with profiles, but some others. I used to pull whatever I wanted into a profile of a surface (planes, lines, circles, points) and then go in and say .hits[1..feature.numhits] and get all my hits.

    All features in a profile must be the same type now, so this broke a lot of my output.

    Same with circles/cylinders, want a 5 hole pattern, but one of them got noms from the CAD .0001" different in diameter? It won't show up as available.

    Very rarely I use something like a midpoint for a rotation from a hole in an alignment, geotol says it is invalid for use as a datum.

    Programming GeoTol is a MISERABLE task, I get it. It works better, so I prefer it to Xact a LOT. It is annoying to have to change programs though.

    Only other thing that bothers me, while I know I shouldn't do this over such a large range, I have some programs written in 2009 and some in 2012. With 2019 I can open up any program from 4.3 or something like that. 2021 tells me to go fly a kite. Can only save as previous version back to 2015. I needed to do older once for a supplier, had to save it to 2019, open 2019, then save it as 2012 or whatever they were using. Keep 2019 somewhere.
    Even if you don't have old programs, what about your customers and suppliers? Better safe than sorry and stuck with a hour long download and calling IT to install something for you so you can open this one program this one time.
  • I keep old versions of the DEMON and don't delete them. I've had the GeoTol training and did like what I saw and I am ready to make the jump but management is holding back until possibly after the first of the year to make the change. As of today we have 1700+ programs (we are a medical machine shop) in the working directory and another 4000+ archived (V2012 programs) that we currently don't use for production needs. We have discussed the task and know that we will have some issues that will need to taken care of on a daily basis until current working directory programming has been gone through.

    I write all new product programs so once we do make the jump everything forward will be using GeoTol.
  • This made a HUGE difference. 2023.2 is still a lot slower than 2019, but it's at least functional now where we can open and close a program. Thank you!