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How to simplify reporting?

Hello all,

Still new to PCDMIS, learning a lot though.

Can anyone provide help or steps to simplify the reporting?

I'm looking to get a report that simply states the nominal, tolerance, and actual measurement.

I don't want UAME. I'm guessing that there must be a way to report local size only, or actual value measured?

  • The issue is, that there isn't simply an 'actual measurement' unless the hole is perfect in form there will always be variations. We can report size in a number of different ways. For a hole for example, we can report the UAME (pin size), the Least Sq (average) or the max/min two point size (i.e. the max/min diametrically opposed points).

    If you want you can always report the 'D' diameter size, select 'D' in the location dimensioning tool, which gives you the 'Actual' size of the feature, but that depends on the specified algorithm you use to measure it (Least Sq - average, Max Inscribed - old method for pin fit) etc

  • The issue is, that there isn't simply an 'actual measurement' unless the hole is perfect in form there will always be variations. We can report size in a number of different ways. For a hole for example, we can report the UAME (pin size), the Least Sq (average) or the max/min two point size (i.e. the max/min diametrically opposed points).

    If you want you can always report the 'D' diameter size, select 'D' in the location dimensioning tool, which gives you the 'Actual' size of the feature, but that depends on the specified algorithm you use to measure it (Least Sq - average, Max Inscribed - old method for pin fit) etc

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