is it possible ,with autofeature cone 3 levels of 7points circles, to set up different start and end angle of each circle ?
or do I need to reprogram measuring routine to measure 3x autocircle, than construct cone from it ?
As far as I know, it is not possible to change individual angles inside an auto cone feature. You can manually move each hit target, but you can't change start/end for each row.
Be carful making auto circles and constructing cones you need to know the correct vector angle before making the circle this is also a problem with circles on spheres, maybe use advance scans?
In theory, measuring auto-circles at different depths and then constructing a BFRE cone from all of their hits might work, but you would be inviting trouble in my opinion. It would be much safer to measure auto-vector points and then construct a BFRE cone from those.