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Pins or Bolts Auto Circles

Thanks for reading. I made a program to check a composite molded part with 10 threaded inserts with positional tolerances.

These parts are hit and miss when inspected on the CMM. Sometimes the dimensions are in. Sometimes a few are out and the rest are in. As well, sometimes they are totally shot.

I switched my probe that takes measurement on my inserts to a cylindrical probe as my diameters were coming in goofy. This fixed that problem.

The inserts are either loaded by hand onto pins at the machine or, an insert loader is used.

The powers to be want me to measure these parts with pins in the inserts as opposed to probing the holes to see if the numbers are better.

So, I went back and opened my auto circle setting and selected pin to yes. Changed the hole type to outside and set the depth. However, no matter what I did, the CMM wanted to basically drive through the part. It didn't matter what I did to the settings. It seemed to want to go to the same spot.

I understand this is for sheet metal, but at previous places I worked, we would use a thread gage in threaded holes at weird angles at times.

I tried setting depths, changing from ID to OD. Couldn't get it to work. Any insight on how I may accomplish such?

Thanks for the time.