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Display DimInfo measurement results by Group only

Is there a way, even by writing a script, to display DimInfo measurement results by Group only?

Sometimes we have very long measurement routines, but we only need to measure a certain group of features. We like to see the results on the Graphics Display window in the form of a DimInfo tag. However, even if the Group is marked not to be run, the measurement results and DimInfo tags still show up in the Graphics view.

What would be the best way to separate these out (of legacy programs)?

  • If you used flow controls (if_goto/labelx) to execute the routine, and effectively skip the segments of code you don't want to measure/report out... The completed routine should only reflect what was executed i think.

    I loathe grouping. every time I encounter a routine with groups I immediately shell it and eliminate them. As soon as an ENDGROUP command disappears, you will understand why. Smiley
  • A quick manual method of showing just a few DimInfo boxes is to first hide all the DimInfo Boxes in the GFX window (Right click and Hide all, or click appropriate menu button), then select all of the DimInfo commands that you want to see boxes for, then hit Ctrl+Shift+H. This will highlight (Show in the Gfx window) only the selected DimInfo commands.

    I know it is not a perfect solution to your problem, but better than nothing.
  • Viewsets should work for ID labels, so I'd assume they would for dim info boxes (however the diminfo is a command in the program rather than a property of the feature command so I'm not certain on that.).

    Have you considered just using the CAD report view (or Text and CAD) does that not give you what you want?

    You could probably modify the CAD report labels to be smaller and more like the GDW Dim Infos.