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Unilateral Surface Profile in 2023 coming from 2017

We are in the middle of updating programs to 2023.

In 2017, we see a measured value of 0.000 when we enter "PROFILE 0.03 | U | 0.03 |ABC" in xactmeasure when we run it offline.

In 2023, we see a measured value of -0.015 when we enter ""PROFILE 0.03 | U | 0.03 |ABC" in geotol when ran offline.

I assume in 2023, the software is making sort of a midline profile surface 0.015 away from the part, so that when we run it offline and it hits the CAD model the hits are recessed from the 'fake profile midline" so we magically get a negative number for an offline nominal.

Am I understanding this correctly?
Parents Reply
  • The new way does help when you have to explain it to boneheaded machinists. 
    Can't count the number of times we had to sit them down and explain why it was bad when their part was "only using half the profile tolerance" "so it must be ok to run all night!"
    The new method highlights the immediate need to correct the problem and return the part to a nominal condition.  

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