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Creating a manual inspection check sheet that is separate to report

Hi All,

I am currently programming a highly critical part for my company and because of this id like to create a kind of form or spreadsheet that can be populated with information inside of PCdmis that I don't want on my report.

For instance there are a lot of threads and drill depths on the part than need to be checked manually, my idea is to create a comment at the end of the program asking if this has been performed. this would then save the inspectors name, SN of part, date and time with information of was drill depths / threads checked. As this part is critical and requires 100% inspection.

I'm struggling with the output to a separate form of some kind as I am unsure how to do this as I've never looked into it so I'm hoping someone here has the knowledge of how to perform such a thing.

Hopefully I've explained enough to say what is I want.

Thanks in advance
  • I know you said you don’t want it on the report, but something I do quite often, is to use input comments and generic features. Have an input comment for the operator, like “measure the .500 thread depth and enter the value”. Then use variables to plug those values into the generic features, so not only will they be displayed on the report, but it will output the data as well, for you to use on your dimensional form. Other than that , you could use File I/O to send the data to txt?
  • hi,

    we also mainly use a comment yes/no input to confirm that certain areas of the component have been checked.

    The operator name, date, part number and so on are in the report header anyway​
  • I had many programs that would ask the operator questions during execution, some would ask them to questions with text based answers, others would ask for dimensional inputs from manual measurements.
    Both can easily be displayed right on the CMM report, then you are providing your customer with only one document containing all the requirements related to the part.

    Inputs, variables, and generic features are not difficult, only a bit time consuming depending on how many you need. But you only have to do them once (and once you have some setup you can rip them into future programs and just edit the values)
  • Use keyed in dimensions (Insert >Dimension>Keyed In) for actual measurements (Thread depths etc) and then Yes/No Comments (with the responses converted into Report comments) for Pass/Fail Go/No Go type checks.

    The issue with this is that it ties up the CMM whilst the manual checks are being performed as the program is still running, but the machine ain't moving!
  • So all great responses however none help me towards what I wanted, what id like is for a separate spreadsheet to be populated with responses from the PCDMIS program, I.E using variables and then these get recorded on a Spreadsheet that can be viewed, The Key in dimensions I use for manual checks when required however as you said NinjaBadger it ties up the CMM. We do use Yes/No also however these is currently only viewable in the program and not the report as we don't want to have this information on the report. Hopefully this is clearer to the end goal I am trying to achieve. I think it might require program and using a BAT file to achieve however i am unsure currently still. Thank you all again for the responses so far and thank anyone for any future help on this.
  • Thanks, I had never noticed that characteristic.
  • With PC-DMIS version 2023.1 you can use TraceFiields and the Excel Form Report to output your information to a separate spreadsheet. Then you can have the Excel Form Report viewer set to display the report information after the report is created.
  • yes davehocum, I use that and also turn on the excel output. i get two different forms.