You mean like exporting a point cloud? I'm not sure you can do that as an .stp within PC-DMIS. You can export xyz data quite easily. You can spend quite a bit of time healing files for an .stl export, but that may depend on license options...
Thats what I'm trying to tell the customer.They say all the other shops are doing it with Pc Dmis.I need to import a stp, export it and use Comparevidia to check the model to the original.Wireframe and points won't work they want the surfaces.
yeah, I don't think so. Pcdmis was never made as a cad software. You can't export the cad data you imported. UNLESS they have made some very serious changes, and I'm not seeing the ability to do so in the version of 2023 on my Romer.
you may need to look at DCI (direct cad interface) so there is no translation done. LAST I KNEW, for DCI you must have a seat of the source cad software to use on the CMM computer.
What are you doing to show where your model is coming from? I've just got a blurb in my report header that spits out the model location by using this command: ="Model Location : "+GETPROGRAMINFO("CADMODELFILE") This reports the full path and file name of the model. There is an issue where it actually reports the first model in the tree when viewed in the CAD Assembly editor, so move your part model to the top if you add fixture models or something.