I'm currently trying to measure a part with a profile tolerance of .006|A|B|C, if my Y deviation is -.008 and my Z deviation is .0017 how is PCDMIS calculating the profile to be .0056? I'm evaluating the profile scan hits and know about turning min/max on but unfortunately the original programmer didn't have that turned on, and the operator didn't save the run data so all I have to go off of is the excel report. We use 2019 software.
jozey This document was created to explain the differences between the old ASME profile calculation which looked at both the Max and Min and the new, single value method which reports the greatest deviation x2. Since you're using PC-DMIS 2019, your values are based on the old calculation (ASME 1994 method).
jozey This document was created to explain the differences between the old ASME profile calculation which looked at both the Max and Min and the new, single value method which reports the greatest deviation x2. Since you're using PC-DMIS 2019, your values are based on the old calculation (ASME 1994 method).