I am experimenting with running a single program on two different machines. When the two machines have different probes and styli, I thought I'd be able to select probe and stylus angle depending on the machine. This turns out not to be the case when considering the following block of code. PC-DMIS will run each tip command, even though it should skip to CASE/1 and only run TIP/T1A60B0. The same behavior occurs when using IF_GOTO statements instead of SELECT/CASE. Does anybody know of a workaround?
Store the probe files for each CMM in different locations. Use the same name for the probe build; i.e probe1. Each machine will pick up its version of probe1.
There may not be. I'm trying to keep things general. Assume one machine has a long stylus that can measure at A0B0, but the other only has a short stylus that must approach at A45B0 to avoid clipping the part.
There may not be. I'm trying to keep things general. Assume one machine has a long stylus that can measure at A0B0, but the other only has a short stylus that must approach at A45B0 to avoid clipping the part.