I am creating a new Excel template to use for my company. I have it formatted nicely, but there is one thing I can't figure out.
Rather than appending a new execution to new rows/columns, I would like it to append to an additional sheet (1 sheet per piece). Is there any way to do this in PC-DMIS? Im using 2023. I know it can be done with the Report window print setup method, but I can't figure out how to make it work with a template.
What kind of information are you wanting in this additional sheet printout? This should be possible with template modifications. I can play around a bit.
Sounds like they want the entire report as a new sheet in a single excel file for each run of the program.
If you can't figure it out I've got a macro that will combine multiple excel files into a single workbook and another that renames them in sequential order, stolen from the internet of course.
Sorry for the late reply guys, I was fiddling and decided to go a different route. I now have a working excel report that utilizes 2 sheets. the front sheet acts as a cover page and has some pretty formatting that shows balloon#'s, noms, +/-, and the min/max of every dimensions of all parts.. The second sheet it is basically the database for each part ran, it shows time/date for each part and every measured value as well as 3 columns preceding that shows nom, +/-.
Now I must tackle automating the conditional formatting. Apparently pc-dmis excel templates will not use it.
Yes, I first created a blank template, and formatted everything to my liking. Then I had to figure out how to get all the values where I wanted. The first sheet is entirely excel formulas, and the second page is where all of the data referencing from pc-dmis was done.