I need help... What cell expression should I add to get JOB NUMBER and PART NUMBER?
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I need help... What cell expression should I add to get JOB NUMBER and PART NUMBER?
Thank you!
I think that information in the File header would have to be modified when job number changes if you do it that way as that is the data you input when making a new program. If you are using that file header menu there, you can completely ignore my method. I am not at work anymore so I can't play around with it.
All you have to do is make the Part Name and Serial Number cells
= "Part Number: "
= "Job Number: "
Have you looked at the help files for this topic? PC-DMIS Help Center - 2023.1 (hexagonmi.com)
Have you tried the "Trace Field" feature yet?
Did you ever figure out what you wanted to do?
I don't have time to try it out yet, but when I find the time I'll let you know.
No problem, I just wanted to make sure it was all working for you. Didn't want to leave you without a solution.
Yes, I always try HELP, but sometimes it is not written in a simple language and if you haven't programmed for some time, you don't always understand where to go, how to write or what to do "step by step". Beginners need simple language to understand. If you don't understand, you will never be good at what you do.
Many times, the forum is more helpful for me than HELP at my stage.
This is just my opinion...
Thank you!
I agree, Malgorzata. I learned how to do the file header customization 2 months ago, learned it from scratch on my own, and with some help from others. Now I have a better understanding. The help file could only get me so far. There's a lot more you can do than what is shown in help.
As seen here in this post. SABarber was a big help in me understanding.
I did it. It is working!
Now I have to save it like SUB routine, right? so I can add this to every program.
This is new for me...I NEED HELP.
NEW IMAGE OF MY HEADER. Thank you WilliamL !
Thank you very much, I will definitely study it!
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