I don't see the file to create a custom probe. I was able to make a few custom probes on my older laptop using 2019. I got a new laptop and moved my license over a few months ago. Is there another way to find it?
Please advise, thanks.
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I don't see the file to create a custom probe. I was able to make a few custom probes on my older laptop using 2019. I got a new laptop and moved my license over a few months ago. Is there another way to find it?
Please advise, thanks.
Can you create one or is it giving you an error? I believe the first time I opened custom probe builder utility it made that as my first one. It's been a while though.
correct, but there is not .dat file for the probe builder in my folder
I think that was it. I had to click new and it opened the utility. Thanks.
Sorry, misunderstood the question.
If you post an email address, perhaps someone can just send you the .dat file(s)? Unfortunately, I don't think they'll get past the firewall here
No worries!
I was able to get to it by clicking new instead of open.
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