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Probe Changer issue during exchange


First of all, excuse me if i'm not very understandable. I'll try to be as clear as possible.

I'm French and i teach CMM with PC DMIS. We have a Tigo SF. We're having trouble with the probe changer : after calibration, we use the standard protocole to declare the probe changer. When we change the probe, the machine unload but it does not go far enough in the Z direction. So, the probe is not unload proprelly and when it go to the second stand, the probe is not unloaded and it is still magnet.

We would like to be able to change the Z course of the unloading process, but we can't find it. We try to recalibrate the probe changer and we're still having the problem.

Thank you if you are able to help us, it would be very apreciate.


A. Garde

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