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Probe Changer issue during exchange


First of all, excuse me if i'm not very understandable. I'll try to be as clear as possible.

I'm French and i teach CMM with PC DMIS. We have a Tigo SF. We're having trouble with the probe changer : after calibration, we use the standard protocole to declare the probe changer. When we change the probe, the machine unload but it does not go far enough in the Z direction. So, the probe is not unload proprelly and when it go to the second stand, the probe is not unloaded and it is still magnet.

We would like to be able to change the Z course of the unloading process, but we can't find it. We try to recalibrate the probe changer and we're still having the problem.

Thank you if you are able to help us, it would be very apreciate.


A. Garde

  • Hello, and thank you for the answers.

    We have a TIGO SF.

    Charger is : Tesastar HP P2 150

    Probe is : HH MI M -> HP TB -> HP TM MF -> Extend 20 + TYP20BY20

    on PCDMIS 2020 R1.

    I tried again to calibrate the probe charger, but it didn't work. 

    I have access to the port data but i worry about something. If i understood right, the coordinate indicate the location of the charger. If i modify them, i modify the location of the charger, and then, i won't be able to load / unload the probe, because the new Z coordinate won't be the Z coordinate defined in the probe changer calibration...

    I thank you for your comments and your help.

  • Let me try to address your last concern, about changing the Z coordinate.  In all cases like this, you should first BACKUP your TOOLC.DAT file so that if you make a mistake you can recover it without having to recalibrate.  This file is found in your ProgramData folder, which might be hidden by default.   If that is the case, talk to your IT department about getting access, at least temporarily.

    If you modify the Z value with values that are also not good, of course it will crash, Yes.  I suggest you make only small modifications to see how they perform before trying additional changes.  Don't just arbitrarily enter a value, just change a slight amount from the calibrated value to see if it helps.

    Aside from that, maybe you can send a picture of the changer and the probe involved.  I don't recognize the name of the rack but I do know there is a different parameter setting to identify if it is (or is not) what is referred to as a Shop Floor rack, these are the one with the lids over the ports.  If I remember correctly, this parameter when properly set can involve an automatic offset of about 2mm.

  • Let me try to address your last concern, about changing the Z coordinate.  In all cases like this, you should first BACKUP your TOOLC.DAT file so that if you make a mistake you can recover it without having to recalibrate.  This file is found in your ProgramData folder, which might be hidden by default.   If that is the case, talk to your IT department about getting access, at least temporarily.

    If you modify the Z value with values that are also not good, of course it will crash, Yes.  I suggest you make only small modifications to see how they perform before trying additional changes.  Don't just arbitrarily enter a value, just change a slight amount from the calibrated value to see if it helps.

    Aside from that, maybe you can send a picture of the changer and the probe involved.  I don't recognize the name of the rack but I do know there is a different parameter setting to identify if it is (or is not) what is referred to as a Shop Floor rack, these are the one with the lids over the ports.  If I remember correctly, this parameter when properly set can involve an automatic offset of about 2mm.

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