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Looking at the measured co-ordinates (ACTL line in each feature command) compared to the nominals (THEO line in each feature command), it looks like you are not aligned correctly. The X values look reasonable but your Y, Z and vectors are very different. I would recommend stepping through the program from the beginning and checking each alignment.
Looking at the measured co-ordinates (ACTL line in each feature command) compared to the nominals (THEO line in each feature command), it looks like you are not aligned correctly. The X values look reasonable but your Y, Z and vectors are very different. I would recommend stepping through the program from the beginning and checking each alignment.
Sir, This is before alignment coordinates that means machine coordinates and cad nominal coordinates.but our all programs slot form error is abnormal values like above example.i can not solve this issue. PCDMIS Bersion 2018 R2
I think the value shown in the status window is just a side effect of you not being fully aligned. It would be impossible for the form to be over 4000mm, especially since you are only taking 6 hits.
Yes Sir.I taking 6 hits inside slot.but how many hits required to get correct form.error.
After alignment also form error is coming like that
I mean, after you have fully aligned X, Y and Z. In your screenshot, you are not properly aligned to Y or Z because you have very large deviations in those axes. Once you are properly aligned and your slot ACTL values are close to the THEO values, you will not see the large deviation in the status window. I think the value being shown is incorporating location as well as form.
taking 6 hits inside slot.but how many hits required to get correct form.error.
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