I have a program that is going to be used for 2 different part numbers. Is there a way that I can prompts at the beginning of the program that have the operators select the part number they are running as well as some other needed information?
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I have a program that is going to be used for 2 different part numbers. Is there a way that I can prompts at the beginning of the program that have the operators select the part number they are running as well as some other needed information?
jjschuh what software do you refer to, so we can direct you to the correct team
Pc-Dmis version 2023.1
jjschuh before I move this you will to add PC-DMIS as a product in Nexus.
Scroll to the top of the screen, Click Back to Dashboard ,
search PC-DMIS and click Add to My Products
then click Tech Center and Community.
This give you permissions to contribute in the PC-DMIS group.
thank you, added the group and moved my question to there.
thank you, added the group and moved my question to there.
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