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Profile With No Datums

Sorry, I think I've asked this before but:

I usually program in legacy, and it's rare that I encounter a print with Profile of a Surface to no datums. As I understand ASME, this requirements basically acts like an optical comparator overlay that you are allowed to shift wherever, and as long as all the contours fall within the overlay boundaries (without moving the overlay), then the part is in tolerance.

How can I best replicate this in PC-DMIS? Can it be done using legacy ("FORM ONLY")? If so, then why doesn't it allow you to do a unilateral tolerance?

Parents Reply
  • You don’t happen to know why this is, do you? In theory you should be able to put in a unilateral tolerance, right?

    It's because the command was added back when "form only" meant just that - only the shape of the profile was considered, irrespective of size or location.

    This behaviour was then changed in PC-DMIS 4.3 MR2 to bring things in line with the ASME Y14.5 2009 definition of profile, which always includes size (a setting was added to retain the old behaviour: PC-DMIS Help Center - 2023.1 (hexagonmi.com)).

    The easiest way to do an unequal profile to no datums is to use the geometric tolerance command (or xactMeasure FCF dimensions in versions prior to 2020 R2).  However, if you still want to use legacy dimensioning, you will need to perform a 3D best-fit alignment to your points first and then use form and location - because you have aligned to the points you are essentially excluding the location.

No Data