Ever since the user group moved to Nexus I haven't been able to post/reply to anything. This morning I decided to create a new profile and now I can post this. Why couldn't I on the profile that was moved by Nexus during the transfer?
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Ever since the user group moved to Nexus I haven't been able to post/reply to anything. This morning I decided to create a new profile and now I can post this. Why couldn't I on the profile that was moved by Nexus during the transfer?
You're really missing the point here. This is better for us. And we must have wanted it.
I find the janky navigation, inept search tools, and aggravating format to all be quite endearing qualities of this new and improved experience. It's like an unexpected adventure during this road trip we call work...
You're really missing the point here. This is better for us. And we must have wanted it.
I find the janky navigation, inept search tools, and aggravating format to all be quite endearing qualities of this new and improved experience. It's like an unexpected adventure during this road trip we call work...
The search functions and structure here is actually horrible. Might make sense to me if I started drinking again but I don't want to go down that road...lol.
You're brave being able to say exactly what I've been thinking and keeping to myself. You are the true unwavering baron of Nexus.
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