(PC-DMIS Version 2020R2)
We recently migrated to using GeoTol.
Because of this, we are beginning to use constructed widths as datums instead of mid-planes, mid-lines, or mid-points.
I am having issues constructing widths in certain instances.
One such is when I have a Linear Closed Scan on a slot.
The Lines are constructed from Scan Segments. There is also a Reverse Line for one of the constructed lines.
Whenever I have tried to create a width using a reverse line, I get a math error. So that is one thing that I know does not work.
So, I am trying to make the width with the two original lines which are going in different directions.
I have done this before on other programs, making widths from lines in opposite vectors and I haven't had a problem.
When trying to create this width, I am seeing a really weird thing. As soon as I choose 2D, my lines, which I already had selected in the list, DISAPPEAR FROM THE LIST ALTOGETHER.
If I go to 3D, the lines are in the list. 1D, lines are in the list. But whenever I chose 2D, they disappear.
So, my question is actually a little more general.
Is there a problem creating widths from lines when those lines have been created using scan segments?
Is there any other scenario I should avoid? (Open Scans vs Closed Scans vs Perimeter Scans) etc.
Thank you in advance for your help. I did my best to be coherent.