How do I protect my program from being edited by operators? version 2022.2
I don't see Edit->Protected Mode...and I have no clue how to open/enable "Operator Mode" (never used it)
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How do I protect my program from being edited by operators? version 2022.2
I don't see Edit->Protected Mode...and I have no clue how to open/enable "Operator Mode" (never used it)
Longer method via the help file:
Right click on your Desktop and select New > Shortcut, then browse manually for the directory C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2022.2 64-bit and select PCDLRN.EXE and rename it to like
PC-DMIS 2022.2 Operator Mode or whatever you would like. Then from here use this link to choose which configuration you'd like to use the switches here PC-DMIS 2022 Software Configurations
In this case since you want Operator Mode so your switch will be /o . Right click the shortcut you made, and change the target to this below.
"C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2022.2 64-bit\Launcher\PCDLRN.exe" /o
Faster method:
Alternatively, copy your desktop icon that you use, and just paste it to the desktop, right click and modify the target to have a /o at the end and rename it so you don't need to do the long way above. My current desktop shortcuts have HexagonLauncher.exe, not sure if yours will.
"C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2022.2 64-bit\Launcher\HexagonLauncher.exe" LauncherPC-DMIS.config /o
I forgot to mention, if you are going to make an operator mode shortcut, you are going to want to start creating Marked Sets if you haven't already.
I forgot to mention, if you are going to make an operator mode shortcut, you are going to want to start creating Marked Sets if you haven't already.
Thanks for your information. What is a marked set? And just to confirm, Protected Mode is no longer an option?
It is still a thing, Edit > Protected Mode as long as you have no programs open. If you still want more information on Market Sets for Operator mode I can do that.
Ohh thanks so much. I had a program open before.
I run Protected Mode and not Operator Mode. I had issues with Operator Mode in the years past, where selecting File-Close saves the data, in which corrupted one of my programs. Protected Mode does not save anything...No issues since. But to enable Protected Mode, one needs to be on the home program open.
We have had a bug a couple months ago causing similar issues with program corruption. Then we also had the issue in both Operator and Online mode, where if you don't select File > Close or File > Quit and instead click the Red X to close whole the PC-DMIS application the entire program gets erased except for the first tip you select when you create a new program. I would like to start using protected mode, but we have hundreds of programs with marked sets to be ran in operator mode.
someone else would have to tell you for sure, but I wouldn't think protected mode would FUBAR marked sets.
If we ran protected mode and tried to use Marked Sets, you can't use the Calibrate Tips option for some reason. At least when I tried it just doesn't work. Our off shift employees don't know how to manually qualify each tip before running a part. Not that it is hard, just a lot of trust placed on them.
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