I need to use an excel form report as9102 c and upload it to net inspect. it does not like the pc dmis font. I need to use the gdt font. How do i change that within pc dmis. Is that even an option?
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I need to use an excel form report as9102 c and upload it to net inspect. it does not like the pc dmis font. I need to use the gdt font. How do i change that within pc dmis. Is that even an option?
Which font specifically does it not like? The reporting font for the AS9102?
Go to this directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2021.2\ExcelFormReport\Templates, open the AS9102 Excel file press Ctrl + A to select all cells and change to font you want and see if that helps.
It looks like the sheet "Form 3" is the only one that has the pcdmis font type.
Be sure to go to the correct directory above for your version
Which font specifically does it not like? The reporting font for the AS9102?
Go to this directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2021.2\ExcelFormReport\Templates, open the AS9102 Excel file press Ctrl + A to select all cells and change to font you want and see if that helps.
It looks like the sheet "Form 3" is the only one that has the pcdmis font type.
Be sure to go to the correct directory above for your version
I’m just curious if you have ever uploaded to Net Inspect for your customers
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