I have to calibrate new added angle in existing problem file (10.tip angle) also existing tip angles are available n same probe file but I moved master sphere from.existing location.In this situation how to calibrate all tip.angles?
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I have to calibrate new added angle in existing problem file (10.tip angle) also existing tip angles are available n same probe file but I moved master sphere from.existing location.In this situation how to calibrate all tip.angles?
Moving a sphere or not is not something that you should consider while calibrating having a master probe & rack. Before each calibration, calibrate your master probe preferably at A0B0 answering yes it has moved and then calibrate every other probe/tip/angle with no it has not moved. Always do this either you moved the sphere or not. All previously calibrated probes/tips that haven;t undergone a change are not necessary to be calibrated.
Example: You did not move the sphere and want to add an angle in probe #1. Calibrate probe #0 (master) at A0B0 with YES, then calibrate only the new angle in probe #1 with NO. All other probes/tips/angles are still in sync like this.
In your case, calibrate master with YES, calibrate only the new angles with NO. This is enough. Ofcourse recalibrating everything after the master is never a bad idea if you have the time to do so (we do it once per week).
Moving a sphere or not is not something that you should consider while calibrating having a master probe & rack. Before each calibration, calibrate your master probe preferably at A0B0 answering yes it has moved and then calibrate every other probe/tip/angle with no it has not moved. Always do this either you moved the sphere or not. All previously calibrated probes/tips that haven;t undergone a change are not necessary to be calibrated.
Example: You did not move the sphere and want to add an angle in probe #1. Calibrate probe #0 (master) at A0B0 with YES, then calibrate only the new angle in probe #1 with NO. All other probes/tips/angles are still in sync like this.
In your case, calibrate master with YES, calibrate only the new angles with NO. This is enough. Ofcourse recalibrating everything after the master is never a bad idea if you have the time to do so (we do it once per week).
BUT sphere location change one place to anothe place , existing tips and newly added tips to be calibrated. Ok...
Not sure what you are saying. Assign a probe as you master. Choose all angles you want to calibrate and answer YES it has moved. When you calibrate other angles apart from A0B0 you do not need to reply YES. All other probes use NO. If you move the sphere, calibrate the master probe at A0B0 replying YES. That's it everything will be in sync
eX: PROBE 1 file already I.have calibrated A0B0.and.some.angles last week.but I need add. Some Tip.angles this week. But now I.changed.sphere location. My question.is.Probe 1.all.tips to.be recalibrated with.new location
No. Calibrate only A0B0 by answering YES and locate the sphere. Then calibrate all other new angles with NO without moving the sphere at all. All old angles will still be in sync
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