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2023.2 Constantly Crashing

11 times in the past week, 2023.2 has crashed and I have had to restart the PC.

Its all very good updating the software to include almost all requirements for the measuring community but can it be made more stable so it does not crash every day.

Getting fed up with all this wasted time.

  • My 2023.2 has the home screen disabled (we store all of our programs on the network) and still crashes to desktop with no dialog box to send a crash report. Usually, it happens when it's been opened a while and when we close a program (we only use 3 programs total on that whole machine). 

    For what it's worth, the CMM is a new 2023 TIGO SF  4-6-4. Our other Global 5-5-5's run either 2014.1 or 2020 R1.

  • My 2023.2 has the home screen disabled (we store all of our programs on the network) and still crashes to desktop with no dialog box to send a crash report. Usually, it happens when it's been opened a while and when we close a program (we only use 3 programs total on that whole machine). 

    For what it's worth, the CMM is a new 2023 TIGO SF  4-6-4. Our other Global 5-5-5's run either 2014.1 or 2020 R1.
