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Spinning blue wheel of death

We are running a program that normally does fine on our lab CMM, but one of the people on the production floor was running it on their CMM, and it keeps pausing.  Like it will take a hit or two, then you get the "spinning blue wheel of death" for between 10-30 seconds, then it will take another hit or two, then pause again for a while, take a few more hits, pause for a while, and so on.  It's getting ridiculous because it's literally turned an 8-minute program into at least twice that time now.  Any of you have any issues like this and have any recommendations?  We're running version 2021.2.

  • Make sure the program is being run complete from the beginning each time.  A full execution as opposed to a 'partial execution'. 

    I have seen people have that slowing down problem because they kept doing a partial execution starting near the top of the program (Execute from cursor - Ctrl+U).  Doing that fills the execution list and the program runs slower with each iteration.  

  • Believe it or not, between myself and the operator we figured it out, but it doesn't make a lick of sense.  The operator told me that the previous CMM programmer (he retired a couple years ago) would open the probe utilities dialog box for each probe in the program, take a picture of the build info (this is important later), delete all of the hardware in the build, close the dialog box, then rebuild the entire hardware build using the pic you just took.  Then calibrate all of the wrist angles for that probe in the program.  Repeat for all other probes in the program.  I didn't want to try this, but it completely worked.  I just can't explain why.  And it runs like a champ now!  No pausing, blue wheel of death or anything!

  • Believe it or not, between myself and the operator we figured it out, but it doesn't make a lick of sense.  The operator told me that the previous CMM programmer (he retired a couple years ago) would open the probe utilities dialog box for each probe in the program, take a picture of the build info (this is important later), delete all of the hardware in the build, close the dialog box, then rebuild the entire hardware build using the pic you just took.  Then calibrate all of the wrist angles for that probe in the program.  Repeat for all other probes in the program.  I didn't want to try this, but it completely worked.  I just can't explain why.  And it runs like a champ now!  No pausing, blue wheel of death or anything!
