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HR-R3 changer rack calibration

Has anyone had any experience with calibrating the HR-R changer racks? I have gone through the steps listed out in the help files, all the way until it asks to disconnect the kinematic joint adapter, and then take a hit on the datum sphere that is on the rack itself. 

my problem now is that when I remove the adapter, the jog box wont let me move the CMM, and only sometimes I can get it to move in only 1 direction. I lined up the CMM manually, and then was able to move with the jogbox down onto the sphere, but the CMM does not take a "hit", I assume because there is no probe or sensor on to know that it is taking a hit. 

These are the only instructions i'm finding currently, and am at a loss... For now I can change the adapters manually, but I'd like to figure this out to save time and effort in the future. Thanks in advance for any help!