How to set the template to be called when the size of the review is a T Locetion is a custom label template? I set it to show two labels, which doesn't work well。
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How to set the template to be called when the size of the review is a T Locetion is a custom label template? I set it to show two labels, which doesn't work well。
If I understand you want to set a variable/ if statement to determine when the T Location label is used but only if it is actually being reported? Can you share a little more information
Yes William, what I want is to call the T-DEV label template when my report evaluates a T location, but at the moment I can't do that, only by setting the label template of DIMENSIONS to T-DEV!
Yes William, what I want is to call the T-DEV label template when my report evaluates a T location, but at the moment I can't do that, only by setting the label template of DIMENSIONS to T-DEV!
What type of label template did you edit to use for your custom one? I modified a report template and am using the expression T_VALUE > 0 to see if it shows/hides my labels, and it does. We just need to find a way to state "IF Dimension command has T value = TRUE" within a script or expression, then this could work. There is little documentation for this.
Check this help file
WilliamL, I know what you mean, I just don't know what expression to use to describe that the Dimension command has a T-value, which is obviously not T_VALUE.
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