I am running my probe as fast as possible and it seems to be moving incredibly slow any ideas as to why or how to increase the speed some ?
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I am running my probe as fast as possible and it seems to be moving incredibly slow any ideas as to why or how to increase the speed some ?
If you are unsure what any of these settings are supposed to be for your particular machine , contact your local Hexagon office (or whoever installed the machine).
If you are unsure what any of these settings are supposed to be for your particular machine , contact your local Hexagon office (or whoever installed the machine).
A . the top speed is 250
B. move speed is 20mm/sec , touch speed is 2mm/sec
C. maximum acceleration x y and z is 1000
D max speed x y and z 250
Increase the move speed - that is the positioning speed and 20mm/sec will make it crawl along.
what would you recommend increasing it to ? to still be safe and accurate ?
'safe' and 'accurate' are two different things.
for program testing, simply lower the jogbox speed dial
for accuracy, TOUCH speed needs to be the same for calibration and measuring.
I have my Global set to 500mm/sec move speed because move speed is only for moves from the retract position to the prehit position.
think "MOVE SPEED" is highway speed and "TOUCH SPEED" is how fast you pull into the garage.
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