I'm wondering what the difference between point density and path density is in an adaptive circle scan. And does the point density in the advanced tab override the point density in the F10 probe options scanning parameters?
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I'm wondering what the difference between point density and path density is in an adaptive circle scan. And does the point density in the advanced tab override the point density in the F10 probe options scanning parameters?
The point density in the adaptive circle scan > advanced tab overrides whatever you have setup in the OPTIONPROBE settings. The Override must be checked then you can change the point density.
The point density in the adaptive circle scan > advanced tab overrides whatever you have setup in the OPTIONPROBE settings. The Override must be checked then you can change the point density.
Alright, I knew about overriding the settings but I wasn't sure if it affected the option probe settings. I'm still unclear as to why there's a path density value in the path definition tab and what the difference is between that and point density. I'm clearly not understanding the terminology.
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