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save as windows always opens when printing reports

I am having an issue where some of our machines when printing reports always open the save as window to save out reports and excel files. I have tried every combination or method of printing the reports to file but no matter what this window opens and never to the correct file directory. I have tried saving local to the computer, over the network, generating print command in the program, the default report window print etc. on and on. we had one computer that was having this issue get replaced and magically this problem disappeared. Our IT claims it's a hexagon issue, but we have multiple machines without this issue and some that do which leads me to assume it's an issue with something that got changed in the background on the computers themselves as well as the fact that the machines that now have this problem worked fine up until one day this issue popped up. It has become a major issue with the cnc operator run machines because this even comes up when running inspect and the operators have no idea where the files actually need to be saved. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Yeah, it sounds like an Amyuni problem.  I have had that happen a few times, normally after a major Windows update.  Normally it works to just reinstall the print drivers.  It is a common enough problem that you will find some batch files for this in the PC-DMIS install folders.  For my computer they are at: C:\Program Files\Hexagon\PC-DMIS 2023.1 64-bit\PDFDriverInstallFiles.  The path should be similar on your systems unless the programs were installed to an unusual directory.  There is a ReadMe.txt file there that explains how to use it.  
