Does any of you work with alignments in NC? I have never gotten them to work, so I gave up on them. But maybe I am just not smart enough? Anybody out there that has written alignments into programs and still getting the right G-code?
I'd be very interested in code that actually works. Please post some samples, if you have something that works.
I have successfully used the alignments to create new coordinate systems when I rotate my pallet (B axis). Then I use these alignments to update my work offsets. SO I can then machine in the rotated coordinate system.
Two key commands to invesigate.
Ignorerotab (Ignore rotary table)
After you create a new alignment use the Compute Workoffset command to compute a workoffset update. This will output a .wrk file to update your offsets (if you are using a serial port). I believe if you are using ethernet this will happen automatically.
I have successfully used the alignments to create new coordinate systems when I rotate my pallet (B axis). Then I use these alignments to update my work offsets. SO I can then machine in the rotated coordinate system.
Two key commands to invesigate.
Ignorerotab (Ignore rotary table)
After you create a new alignment use the Compute Workoffset command to compute a workoffset update. This will output a .wrk file to update your offsets (if you are using a serial port). I believe if you are using ethernet this will happen automatically.