I am really new programming pc-dmis.i have been at it 6 months.
currently using 3.7 which i like.we want to move to 4.2 .I have been looking at it at am confused on the way it
does true position.it does not post the same as 3.7 on the command page,i like to see actual numbers.
is there something in settings that will fix this?
thanks scottb
The answer is yes, don't know off the top of my head what will do it for you, I suggest posting this in the CMM forum (lots more folks with time to answer there ) or calling technical support.
In v3.7 the only option to report position is what is now called "legacy dimensioning". What you are seeing in v4.2 is called Xactmeasure. To make v4.2 use legacy dimensioning:
Not sure if this works in the NC version, but on my offline seat, you can go to View-> Other Windows -> Status Window. When you put your cursor on the feature in the Command View, it should display in the status window you just opened. But read Wes' review of the class. The tips about "Use Current Alignment" and the way that Xactmeasure considers datums (First datum is Z axis) is very enlightening when you wonder why something came out the way it did.