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PC-DEMIS 2020 R1 Probe files

Hello all - I am new to pc-demis..former Catia NC programmer. The man that performed this task passed away so I am trying to help. He used probe tip MP1 in a previous version. When I try to modify the probe tip from within the software it does not take. The folder it lives in is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hexagon\PC-DMIS\2020 R1 which on this pc is read-only. When trying to un-check it reverts back to read-only. Can the probe files be stored in a different location where I have write access? and if so how to I change the search path within pc-demis. Thank you
  • Your probefile folder should not be read only. That is your problem.

    Since YOU can't change the folder from read only, that means that the windows account you're logged in to doesn't have the proper permissions to make that type of change. You'll need your IT Dept to change your user permissions to allow you to do this.. OR.. have them change that file from read only for you.

    As long as those probe files are "read only", you'll never be able to do anything with them other then read them and use them. You won't be able to change anything or properly calibrate.

  • Thanks for reply - I thinking it may be a bug in PC-DMIS 2020 R1
    Any probe tip change I add does not stick. However the MP1 file has a timestamp for the time I exited the software. I notice all my folders on windows 10 are read-only on both my pc's.
    I can create a text file in the same folder the probe files are stored , edit, save etc no problem.
  • As previously stated, I am about 99.995% sure you are having windows permissions issues & that you'll still be fumbling around until that is resolved.

    PCD has PLENTY of bugs but I don't believe you're experiencing one of them.
  • I'm not sure about this. I'll defer to more experienced PC-DMIS Gurus, but I have always found this annoying. I can't make a change to a tiplength or size and have it get saved. ButI have seen that for a while in both PC-DMIS and NC. I don't think it is permissions, because otherwise you would not be able to even create the probe file in the first place.
  • I just found out the details on this... It is a little strange to me, but it does work as it was described to me.

    The PC-DMIS probe utility is designed so that if the probe is purely nominal (never been calibrated, or the calibration has been reset) then the edits to it are not accepted.
    Once the probe has been calibrated, then the edits can be done and saved.

    Just tried it out myself, and it works exactly as described.

    If you need to modify the nominal values of the probe before calibration, you need to make a custom probe with the custom probe builder, or create a probe in the USRPROBE.DAT file with the desired nominals.