HxGN NC Server 2020 R2 is now released and can be seen on the Universal Updater! This is a huge change for NC Server. Complete new UI and lots of improvements. Upgrading to it from 2017-2019 systems from Gateway, there are some possible gotchas when uninstalling the old Gateway, so be prepared for that. Upgrading from older versions like 2013 and 2015 are much smoother, but some settings need to be updated or added depending on the machine / control type.
Either the server or this auxiliary licence server can house the licence monitoring client application. The technology prerequisite specified here must be installed mostly on web servers if the licence administration client software is housed on that server.
Either the server or this auxiliary licence server can house the licence monitoring client application. The technology prerequisite specified here must be installed mostly on web servers if the licence administration client software is housed on that server.